Title Archive

This page is just a sampling of the many articles on this site. For more articles, it might be best for you to look at articles “by category”, found at the bottom of the site page. Please feel free to browse. There are several hundred articles to choose from.

“A Question of Entitlement”
Many people feel entitled to love, to respect, to money, to status… the bible is extremely clear: the only thing we’re “entitled to” is…

“Alert and Oriented Times Zero”
Our identity is found in Christ Jesus—nowhere else. If we look elsewhere for our identity, our purpose, our future, we not only waste precious time but lose out on countless blessings we could have had.

“After God’s Own Heart”
Living to serve God’s purposes.

“An Introduction”
A simple introduction, describing the reason for the site. This is the main static page of the site.

“At the Pleasure of…”
White House staff serve at the President of the US. How much more should we serve at the pleasure of the LORD.

“Bored to Death”
A scriptural look at the Evil One’s use of boredom to distract and undermine us.

“DANGER! – Tradition-fed Faith”
There is a real, eternal danger in being led by tradition. Tradition, in and of itself, is not necessarily an issue, but spiritual matters that rely on tradition, rather than the truth of the gospel, are deadly.

“Everyone’s the Same in God’s Eyes”
Unlike popular humanist sentiment, God sees human beings differently.

“Far Too Easily Pleased”
Humans are far too easily dragged into pleasures and ambitions whose reward is fleeting.

“For Where Your Heart Is”
Treasuring God above all things, and keeping our hearts focused on the Prize that awaits us.

“God Like Me”
The world is fond of creating gods that meet their own personal criteria. Trouble is: I don’t want a god that thinks, or acts, like me!

“God Winks”
A more serious look at God’s “sense of humor”.

“God’s Unending Generosity”
An in-depth look at Ephesians 1 and the power behind God’s love and generous nature.

“Good Lord!”
Jesus is Savior, but has Jesus become the LORD of our life? It is imperative that we invite Him to become our personal LORD.

“In Season and Out, Part 1 of 2”
Go forth into all the earth, making disciples… so many Christians fail to step up and live out this command. How do we do this effectively? What do we say? What can we expect?

“In Season and Out, Part 2 of 2”
A practical look at the challenges modern Christians face in reaching out to such a diverse world as Today. How can we prepare adequately? Maybe these pointers will help us step out in faith, despite the odds!

“Know Your Limitations”
Humans are limited by our sinful nature, but we are unlimited by the grace of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit working within us. Romans 7 is Paul’s hallmark chapter on how to rise above sin.

“It’s God Calling”
When God speaks to us, it is often in the form of a calling to greater, and deeper, spirituality.

“Lost in Translation”
How easily humans get lost when they don’t understand their worth in God’s eyes.

“Oxymoron: Non-conformist”
There is no such thing as a true non-conformist. In a relative sense you can say is non-conformist, but in reality, everyone conforms to something. The question is: what?

“Paradise Lost…and Found”
Is there a Hell? What if there isn’t one? But…what if there is?!

“Shirley, You Jest!”
Words matter. Those we say in jest, as well as those said seriously. We will be held accountable for what comes out of our mouths.

“So Humiliated”
The humiliation Christ suffered for us!

“Sweeter Than Honey”
The preciousness of God’s Word.

“The Sky is Falling, Chicken Little!”
Everyone seems to be in a panic…right where Satan wants them. Fear rules the World…or so it seems. Fear not for God IS sovereign.

“This is Not Goodbye”
A tribute to the life of a dear friend who died in 2017.

“Those Who Have Eyes…”
Seeing things as God sees them.

“Unamazed by Grace”
Is the Modern Church missing out because grace no longer amazes us? Are we so steeped in catch phrases, popular song lyrics, and cliches that we overlook God’s amazing grace?

“When Our Spirits Sour”
You feel close to the LORD. Your heart feels right with God. Your every act is done in devotion to Christ. Then, all of a sudden one simple comment causes your heart to shudder and puckers up in hurt, like the bite of a tart lemon.

“You Say Potato…”
Addresses the modern misconception that any, and every, religion and philosophy will get you to Heaven.

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