In the 8th chapter of the much-loved book of Esther, the Jews—who had been marked for annihilation—have received an edict allowing them to defend themselves against any aggression at any cost.

The English Standard Version of the Bible reads like this: “there was radiant happiness and joyous honor”.

It’s hard to imagine what this phrase means to us today, especially since….READ MORE

Sit By the Brook…

Every believer will find themselves sitting by the brook of Cherith at one time or other. It is a great opportunity to sit and wait on the LORD. We are so conditioned to push ahead, and keep trudging along, desperate to “make things happen”. When much of the time God is calling us to wait on Him to move.

I Can’t Even Remember My Password!

What is it about us that we can’t remember to serve God with our entire being? After all, our very existence and future depends on it! We’re like the guy who’s been diagnosed with emphysema and is told—in no uncertain terms—never to smoke again, and as soon as he steps out of the doctors office he lights up!

Why can’t we remember God’s commandments for living God-honoring lives?


In the book of Ruth, it’s easy to understand Naomi’s belief that God is “opposing” her desire for a pleasant, peaceful life with a full family. It isn’t as if living her idyllic life was God’s Plan A, and now He has to resort to Plan B. There is no Plan B.

The World CAN’T Understand

The world CAN’T understand! One of the telltale signs of the damnation of the world is the continual rhetoric of so-called intelligent minds. If we’ve not experienced it firsthand, we’ve certainly heard it— people openly professing to have “read the Bible, cover to cover” and found it useless, or full of contradictions, or just another example of “religious claptrap”.

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