(you fill in the blank)

Ever lack the courage to do something? Even when you had the capacity?

Most of us have had to face a difficult person, a threatening situation, or a troubling decision with peculiar courage. If you’re anything like me, at times you’ve found your courage seemingly non-existent, or wavering at best.

That said, have you ever given any thought to the amount of courage that Jesus had to lay hold of in order to do the things he did?

Sadly it’s too easy for us to think of Jesus as a ‘superman’ of sorts (which is a terrible analogy any way you cut it!). When it comes to some of His miraculous works and His encounters with demons, we readily label Him “fully God”; whereas, other times, when He is troubled, or pensive, we see Him as “fully man”.

Still, even then, it can make us feel uncomfortable.

I can’t help but wonder if His being fully human causes us more consternation than comfort. I’ve heard fellow believers say things like, “Jesus’ humanity gives me hope. He struggled as we all do.”

At the same time, I’ve heard things like, “Yes, Jesus was human, but He was so much more. He may understand our temptations and struggles, but He was still God—I’m not!”

I submit to you that much of the time we think of Jesus as “God in a man-suit”. Even when He’s agonizing on the cross there’s a sense that “He can do this, after all, He’s God”. (It helps to have 2,000-year hindsight.)

The thing is: Jesus is fully God because He cannot be any less; however He chose to lay aside His right in order to be born fully human. (Philippians 2:8-12) He willingly, and lovingly, chose to rely fully on God, the Father for strength, and His “marching orders”, and the Holy Spirit for guidance and comfort. (John 5:18-19)

So, when we consider the following verse, we need to see Jesus as human, rely on God; not God ‘acting like a human’.

They were on the way, going up to Jerusalem. Jesus was going ahead of them, and they were amazed, but those who followed were afraid. — Mark 10:32

Jesus is heading to Jerusalem “(to) be handed over to the chief priests and experts in the law. They will condemn him to death and will turn him over to the Gentiles. They will mock him, spit on him, flog him severely, and kill him. Yet after three days, he will rise again.” — Mark 10:33-34

Being in perfect relationship with God, the Father, Jesus knew what was coming. Yet, the human Jesus was fearful of what was coming, and perhaps even His own ability to go through with it. The agony He faced in the garden at Gethsemane is clear evidence of His human mortality. Yet, His trust in His Father allowed Him to look past the suffering to come and see the glory that awaited.

The apostles, having heard all that He was about to suffer, were no doubt confused, fearful, apprehensive, and protective. As they neared Jerusalem they were “amazed”, yet “afraid”.

They must have been amazed at the courage and fortitude Jesus showed in the face of imminent danger, yet they were afraid for Him (and, possibly for themselves as well, as His followers).

When we consider Jesus’ Passover meal, betrayal, agony in the garden, capture, beatings, mockings, and eventual crucifixion, we should be amazed, as well; amazed at the courage He drew from trusting His Father.

That same degree of courage, resolution, and endurance are also ours whenever we are faced with seemingly overwhelming odds. We face them just as Jesus did–as humans–who can, and must, put their complete trust in the God who saves.

There is nothing—no thing—impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)

Let us draw near to God by virtue of our relationship and the promise of Christ Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, as we navigate our way through this life. And, let us always be reminded of the courage of Jesus as He relied upon the Father.

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